Lots Going on at Homer Soil & Water!

Interested in being on the Board? Learn more about how HERE.

Know Your Land 2025 talks are every Thursday at 6 pm starting January 9! Register for Zoom events here or attend in person at Kachemak Bay Campus!

 Click on any event on the calendar for more information.

New Reports

Starting a Native Plant Business in Southcentral Alaska


Growing Alaska's Native Plants Sector


Our two research reports dive into native plant production with producers and natural resource managers in mind.

Starting a Native Plant Business in Southcentral Alaska outlines opportunities and considerations for producers interested in growing native plants, propogating and distributing seed, and related activities. Read it here (PDF).

Growing Alaska's Native Plants Sector dives into the current state of native plant production in Alaska, geared toward those interested in regional native plant sector issues. Read it here (PDF).


Soil Testing

Want to know what's going on beneath your plants? Want to improve your soil health? Bring us your soil samples and we will provide recommendations. Click HERE to get started.

Water Testing Information

Irrigation Water Tests: We offer this service for those participating in USDA-NRCS programs that require water testing for irrigation systems. Please call us or email monica@homerswcd.org for more information. 

Home Drinking Water: We do not test home drinking water, but we have compiled information about drinking water testing  considerations and options for people here on the Kenai Peninsula. Click here for more information: Drinking Water Testing Frequently Asked Questions 

Ag Updates Newsletter

Sign up for our Ag UPdates monthly e-newsletter for upcoming events, trainings and other timely resources for anything and everything Agriculture. It's free and easy. Check out our latest Ag UPdates newsletter here.

Click HERE  to sign up.

Learn about Local Food!

Check out Homer Grown on KBBI AM 890. It's a local show on gardening, agriculture and all things that grow on the southern Kenai Peninsula. Interviews with local experts and farmers, it's all about the community transmission of knowledge. 

Check out what our local farmers grow and how they grow it in the Growing Local Food survey that interviewed dozens of local farmers.

Check out our in-depth survey of restaurants and institutions that will help show what they look for in quantities, varieties and quality when Buying Local Food.

Check out our survey of local and Lower 48 food hubs and other distributors of local food to learn about Potential Distribution Systems and see what it takes to successfully get local food out to customers.



We've moved!

After decades in the "blue bank building," NRCS and Homer Soil and Water are all moving into the Frontier Building between ACS and Remax on Pioneer. As of December 2017, our new address is 432 E Pioneer Ave.  Homer Soil and Water will be in the office on the left, NRCS will be on the right, where Tech Connect used to be.

Come say hi!

Below is a list of goals for the coming fiscal year, identified by the Board of Supervisors.  Our Annual Plan of Work, outlining our goals and objectives, and how we aim to accomplish them, can be viewed by downloading this document.  


  • Goal 1:  Encourage incorporation of landscape systems into the planning process at any scale.
  • Goal 2:  Maximize use of best management practices to protect water and soil related resources.
  • Goal 3:  Work with partner agencies to assist in the protection of salmon habitat. 
  • Goal 4:  Promote and support sound management and protection of wetlands on non-federal lands on the Kenai Peninsula.
  • Goal 5:  Provide support for agricultural activities in the Homer District.
  • Goal 6:  Further the Homer District’s Invasive Plant Program.
  • Goal 7:  Provide educational opportunities and materials to assist the public in making informed decisions regarding resource management.

We value your civil rights.  It is the policy of the Homer Soil and Water Conservation District to recruit, hire, train and promote for all job classifications without regard to a person’s race, religion, color or national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, parenthood or any other impermissible characteristic as defined by law when the reasonable demands of the position do not require distinction of the aforementioned items.

Homer Soil and Water Conservation District has projects for which we need people with specific qualifications.

For more information check out the Employment Opportunities tab on this website, e-mail Info@HomerSWCD.org or, call 907-299-4920. If you happen to have qualifications and interest in any of these kinds of jobs, feel free to give us your information. Just e-mail a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3 professional references to Info@HomerSWCD.org

Stay tuned as these job postings change!

Homer Soil and Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer.


Local Conservation Solutions

2019 Anchor River Restoration


Current Newsletter (Fall 2024 Newsletter).
Click here to view

Stay Connected

Sign up HERE 

Feel free to come by our office in the Frontier Building during business hours:

432 E. Pioneer Ave, Homer, AK

Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Our staff also  sometimes work from home. You can reach out to us by phone or email at anytime. We're here to help.

  • Phone: (907) 235-8177 Ext. 5

  • info@homerswcd.org

Contacts by program

Invasive Species Program:  jen@homerswcd.org or (907) 235-8177 ext 117

Agriculture Program Coordinator: monica@homerswcd.org or (907) 235-8177 ext 111

Natural Resources: Rivers & Wetlands: devony@homerswcd.org

Natural Resources: Habitat Enhancement & Trails mattjames@homerswcd.org

Outreach Coordinator and Local Food Systems nicole@homerswcd.org

District Manager:  kyra@homerswcd.org or (907) 235-8177 ext 106

Visit our Facebook page for the latest webinars, ag news, invasive weeds to look out for, or just to see what we've been up to.

Curious about our 2021 Anchor River Streambank Restoration Project? Click here to read our latest article.
